Monday, June 12, 2006

Hoplophobes Protest Indoor Gun Range

Mrs. Standish said she feared the business would attract lawbreakers to what is now a residential area.
More equating gun owners with criminals by enuretics who obviously have no experience with either...


cmblake6 said...

Silly bastards. What EVER happened to America as it was? Why can't the PR machine spin something to the effect of "learn to protect your self against those very criminals you fear"? Point out that at least MOST criminals WILL NOT GO to a public range, as it is against the law for them to even look at a gun, much less handle one. The DNC seems to have been very successful there, boys. We need to "take back the streets" as it were. And we need to PR it so well that the spin machine can't beat us.

Anonymous said...

Worried about the loss of peace and tranquility? Don't make me hurl.Do these sheep think that peace and tranquility are purchased with good intentions and smiles? The Animals will be loose soon,or already are,and when they arrive on the doorsteps of these sweetcheeks,I picture a scene like when a wolverine happens upon a nest of cute little bunnies.