Saturday, June 10, 2006

Kalashnikov: It's Not My Fault

IT WAS the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union that motivated Mikhail Kalashnikov to design the assault rifle that bears his name. But, six decades later, he laments its transformation into the worldwide weapon of choice for terrorists and gangsters.
Don't fret, Mr. Kalashnikov. If you think about it, only Nazis blame you.


E. David Quammen said...

Not to mention that it is a good reliable weapon. Know of plenty of Americans that have and prefer it to the AR. (It's a toss up, between the FAL and AK, for me though).

Anonymous said...

I love my cheap AK-47 clone, too, but I think someone should let Mr. Kalashnikov in on a little secret. Had he not invented the weapon, someone eventually would have come along and invented something similar. Need is the mother of invention.