Thursday, June 01, 2006

You Get to Choose Between This Rock and This Hard Place

Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker last week refused to overturn a federal government-imposed closing date for Trader Sports Inc., which was found to have repeatedly violated federal gun-sales laws. He gave CEO Anthony Cucchiara until Friday to either surrender his sales license or seek a stay with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal.
The Ninth Circuit? Oh, the ones who say there is no individual right to keep and bear arms. Gee, thanks, Judge.

I don't suppose you'd consider just throwing Cucchiara in dat briar patch?


Anonymous said...

Couple of points:

1) Larger gun stores that sell more volume than smaller stores will statistically show that more of their guns are used in crimes, given that all evaluated stores obey the law equally. Math and statistics never seem to be reporters' strong points.

2) Microeconomics. Where there's demand, there will always be supply, no matter how much you try to squash it. Ever hear of the war on drugs? Try keeping criminals locked up longer and their demand for guns will decrease (oh, and so will crime).

3) Subtracting Sundays and 3 holidays per year, 337 "crime" guns over 9 years accounts for 1 "crime" gun sold for every 8.28 days. Given that this store is huge, I'd guess they'd average 8-10 guns sold per day. Using 8 yields:

1 out of 66.2 guns sold was used unlawfully, or...


Anonymous said...

Excellent post Jason.

Very well put, sadly the facts just don't matter in these cases.

Some JBT just wants to hang a pelt on the wall.