Monday, July 31, 2006

In Defense of Lon Horiuchi

For any of you who read this garbage and who don't know what to think let me just tell you that Lon and the people he has served with and the members of HRT are among the hardest working and most patriotic people you will ever have the priviledge to know. Anyone who says differently is an anti-government right (or left) wing nut job.
This comment was just added to an old blog entry. Naturally, the poster is "anonymous." There's really no way to tell if he's Lon's friend or relative, a former colleague with "inside information," or merely a troll out to start something.


Anonymous said...

Be pleased to number me as an anti-government right-wing nut job. I'm rather proud of that. As opposed to being a low-down SOB of a murdering government POS, hiding behind the skirts of sympathetic courts,badges,officials, ad nauseum. Do us all a favor, friends of Lon Horiuchi, go to the dictionary and look up the term, Self-Righteous. Then look up the word, Endangered.

nicolas said...

How to argue like an idiot:

1. State your position as if it were an indisputable fact. 2. Exaggerate if possible.
3. Level ad homenim attacks at anyone who disagrees.

It's so simple!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lon is a hardworking nazi piece of crap that does not deserve to breath the free air of the United States.......

Neither do his "superiors".

Jay said...

We shouldn't let some anonymous comment make our blood pressure go up.

Whoever posted that comment anonymously lacks, intestinal fortitude... so let's not get worked up. After all, that anonymous comment won't make any minds favorable toward Lon.

Anonymous said...

"There's really no way to tell if he's Lon's friend or relative, a former colleague with "inside information," or merely a troll out to start something."
This implies that any or all of the first three excludes the fourth.

I don't thieenk so...

E. David Quammen said...

The names I'm growing fond of are;



minion(s) from hell

Even though the two are probably synonymous....they just seem to 'fit'.

E. David Quammen said...

So, tell me Mr. 'Minion'. Is it proper for your fellow 'minions' to kill a citizen or exercising a God-given Right? Is it right to entrap a citizen who hasn't broken any law? And then swarm him and unjustly kill his family?

Self-Preservation is the First Law of Nature. The Laws of Nature are what are country was supposed to be founded upon. When the evil, that is in control of the government, issues an Unconstitutional edict. Are the minions obliged to carry it out?

For WHOM, and by WHOM was this government made? And WHOM can change it when it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was instituted to begin with?

Is it LAWFUL to enforce an UNCONSTITUTIONAL edict? Does not that make the enforcer in league with the Usurpers of authority? Does not that make them TRAITORS?

Here, learn something:

“Agreed to found our Rights upon the Laws of Nature....”

Would suggest you do a little studying about the TRUE nature of what our government is SUPPOSED to be. You may still have some time left, in which to save your own soul, maybe....

E. David Quammen said...

Oooops! Make that "So, tell me Mr. 'Minion'. Is it proper for your fellow 'minions' to kill a citizen *F*or , (for), exercising a God-given Right?"

Also, minion, do you think for yourself, or do you blindly follow the dictates of your masters?

Anonymous said...

"... Lon and the people he has served with and the members of HRT are among the hardest working and most patriotic people..."

I can believe hard working. (It's part of what the whole problem is, really).

Patriotic... Well, that's more arguable. There are lots of people I know who are "patriotic" who don't necessarily believe in _following the law_. The number of Airborne/Ranger/SF guys I've known who would happily set fire to the Constitution - literally - gives me *great* pause.

Yes, they think they're doing the right thing. I might even agree that it *is* the right result (that time), but it's the wrong *action and precedent*.

"Anyone who says differently is an anti-government right (or left) wing nut job."

Because we're not "Only Enough", apparently. "Only the police" should be _allowed_ to have an opinion. Yes, that's a "Patriotic" viewpoint. "Dare to question us gunning down unarmed women, and you're a unpatriotic nutcase!"

The sheer irony of that comment added to the Horiuchi legacy is staggering, and apparently unnoticed.

I've often felt that Horiuchi may have been given the raw end of the deal. I don't know exactly *what* happened out there. Neither does anybody else outside the FBI - the FBI changed the story multiple times. You or I do that, it's perjury trial time. But we're not "The Only Ones".

I think the story of Horiuchi exemplifies the problems with the militarization of the police. As far as I know, that, and Waco were the only times the HRT was mobilized and engaged US taxpaying citizens. (Also note the multiple denials that Horiuchi - specifically - was at Waco, until an accidentally-released memo admitted that.)

And in retrospect, Ruby Ridge was obviously a total, complete, f***-up. Even as the individual agents "did their job". Following their "rules of engagement" - including apparently machine-gunning a 14 year old and a dog. Is that their fault? After all, a 14 year old with a gun is a threat, and they *were* there "legally".

I don't know what Horiuchi saw, thought, was ordered to do. The FBI can't be bothered to tell us "subjects" (that aren't "the only ones") the truth there. I am aware that they taunted the family with the death (But this was unlikely to have been Horiuchi's idea.)

I'd like to hear what he thinks of it. But it would be likely to open up even more controversy.

But for those who would defend Horiuchi: 3 people died for a non-felony offense and due to screwups in the court system. No one in the FBI has been held accountable for the egrarious abuses of the court system before, during, or after.
He was the man who pulled the trigger, killing an innocent mother with a well-aimed shot.
Do you see why we might doubt his "patrotism" - at least that it means the same thing to you that it does to us?
To me, it means that the Government is constrained. Not that it gets to kill citizens without any hindrance.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that this clown called us anti-government. That's not far from the truth for me. Country and government are two seprate, though linked, entities, and as the saying goes, I love my country, but I fear my government!