Monday, August 28, 2006

2nd Amendment Carnival Tomorrow!

Stan just let me know he's going to post another 2A Carnival tomorrow. If you have a submission, get it in ASAP.


Anonymous said...

No admission, but an idea. One of the reasons we are fragmented, argumentative, and ineffective, is because we do not have a clear idea of exactly what our situation is. Such as a statement showing our actual condition, as indicated by law, statute, etc, and politically, culturally, economically, and whatever else you can think of, would help enormousley toward coming up with a mandate for what to DO about it. I don't think we have a clear and concise picture to work with. Problem solving process. 1.Indentify the problem.2.Suggest solutions and gather materiels.3.Implement solution.4.Follow up with modifications and adjustments, and test results. David?

David Codrea said...

Sean, that's what I'm trying to do with the "Questions and Answers" and "Escaping the Village" series, which is an ongoing effort.