Saturday, August 12, 2006

Gun Control Voodoo

Parents with guns in their homes become less vigilant about how they store those guns as their children grow older, a new study suggests -- even though older children are at far more risk of being harmed by those guns than younger children are...

...Johnson and her colleagues analyzed responses from the 392 people who had at least one gun in the house and at least one child younger than 18.
First you take a subset--people who admit to an interviewer they have guns in their home. Then you take an entire population--including impoverished criminal adolescents immersed in gang activities and drugs, generational government dependence and fatherless homes, and Presto-Changeo! you get hysterical hyperbole presented as general truth! Oh, and pitchfork murders.

It happens every time when witch doctors like Johnson convince people they're scientists.

Their message? Eliminate the bad juju. Keep the evil fetish object locked away.

But under no circumstances apply education, training and discipline...


M1Thumb said...

Always with the demonization - "harmed BY guns..." Do these people have any concept of personal responsibility? Alright, that was a dumb rhetorical question.

Drew said...

Of course most parents will leave their guns more accessible as kids get older--kids should learn about guns by then. Plus, it's pretty easy to keep guns away from really young kids, but older kids can find ways to get them.
As for the teens that find a gun and commit suicide, I'm not a fan of blaming the gun for it. That's a deliberate act.