Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Somalia Changes Name to "Bradyland"

Somalia's president told residents of the only town his government controls Tuesday they have a week to give up their weapons, after which "every single gun in Baidoa" will be seized by force.
We now have a perfect test laboratory for assessing the benefits of complete gun control.

Expect "gun death" rates to plummet.

Oh, happy day!


Anonymous said...

I seem to recall the US sending food to Somalia because the few people that had all the guns took all the food. Thousands upon thousands starved when there was no need. The food that was seized by the armed was sold for 100% profit. 100% because the armed took it, they didn't buy it or trade for it.

That we abandoned our servicemen in battle in Mogadishu is to our everlasting shame, but it does not change the dynamics in a society where only the certain few have uncontestable power.

It seems to me this laboratory has already run this experiment with totally predictable results that are undeniable.

E. David Quammen said...

Think there is more going on behind the scenes. First thing that hit me while reading this, was 'this is a test, this is only a test'....

Get ready for more, all around the world,including here in the U.S.
Time is getting very short....

BobG said...

Time for the Somalians to start hiding guns and sharpening up the pangas...

Anonymous said...

Your story is really a funny joke because Somalia doesnt have a government at all. If they dont go door to door, no one will obey them. If they do go door to door attacking people, they will be shot at.

You have to remember that the US-Somali fighting in Blackhawk Down was just how Somalis deal with people outside their clan that attack them. They will set upon any "government" as surely as they set upon our troops back then.

They're in no danger of being disarmed.

Jay said...

So, a strong Islamic militia provides all the military muscle, and an impotent government demands all the guns. Does anyone else see genocide in the future?

Anonymous said...

And what is this quote fromthe story all about?

"The militants have brought a remarkable amount of control to a country that has seen little but chaos since 1991, when longtime dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled."

So we're OK with sharia law as long as "order" is maintained? Well hell, bring back the taliban then, they kept things real orderly...