Thursday, August 31, 2006

We're the Only Ones Ignorant of the Law Enough

Charges that an Illinois State Police sergeant illegally possessed a machine gun were dismissed Wednesday by a federal judge, who ruled that the law was "unconstitutionally vague" as applied to him.

...U.S. District Judge David R. Herndon dropped the charges against Sgt. James V. Vest... Herndon's 26-page order says the confusion is over the federal law's exception for police officers, and whether Vest could reasonably be expected to know whether he was breaking the law.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse--unless you're an "Only One."


Anonymous said...

Either the law is "unconstitutionally vague" or it isn't. This judge is as corrupt as Mayor Daley.

Stan said...

The 2nd amendment aside, the concept of legally acknowledging a higher class citizen should have jumped out of the case and hit this judge square in the nose.

Stan said...

Or R.J. is right. Probably.