Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm a Gun Owner BUT...

But next week, with a change in state law, that course will no longer be required and that bothers Tucson resident Millie Layton.

Layton says, "I definitely don't agree with that at all."

Layton has a gun. It's at home, and that's where she says it stays.

"We've got enough protection." I don't feel guns are necessary, I really don't," the gun-owner says.

Aside from stupidly broadcasting your publicly disarmed status to every reptile in the Tucson area, I think Mr. Adams would like a word with you, Millie...


Anonymous said...

Well, Millie, I have freedom of expression. I am allowed to say what I want, but I only do so at home. We have enough freedom of speech, we really do. I "feel" we don't need to be expressin ourselves anywhere but at home. I really "feel" that way. I think it should be a law for everybody, Millie, don't you?

After all, you have already established that you believe your personal "feelings" should restrict all others. So why not mine, or anyone and everyone else?

In the interest of furthering your view of liberty let me quote one of the Bowery Boys, "Shut yer yap."

Anonymous said...

Here's the missing "g" and the 's, not wearing my glasses.

John R said...

It does not appear that the reporter could find a concealed carry permit holder to interview. He found one gun owner that did not see any reason to protect herself (I guess she does not pay attention to the daily news) and one person that did not even own a gun, but had a bit of common sense.

The reporter should have found at least one permit holder to interview.