Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Ludicrous Editorial

Paranoid LUDACRIS has a secret stash of guns because he worries he'll have to defend himself one day.


That's ludicrous. It sure sounds reasonable to me.

Perhaps the "authorized journalist" who wrote this could explain what's paranoid about a rapper fearing violence. It's not like it hasn't happened time and again.

And perhaps he could also explain why judgmental editorial manipulation is labeled "News".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and make your b*tch ass holla, I'll put a hole in yo head, the size of a half a dolla, cause it's die m*thaf*cka, die m*thaf*cka, die m*thaf*cka! You know, maybe there is hope for the future. If me and rap "artists" got something in common after all, who knows where it could lead? If the gov't we have ignores it's obligations, lies to it's citizens, abrogates their rights and murders them without recourse, confiscates their earnings, and brainwashes their children, then it's not really a gov't anymore, it's a tyranny, and making moves to outwit and outplay it is not paranoia.