Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Transatlantic Pipeline

London's biggest-ever gun haul has been seized by police after a series of 6am raids in London today.

Met officers stormed into a semi-detached house opposite a primary school and discovered "hundreds and hundreds" of pump-action shotguns, pistols and semi-automatic weapons.

The house was one of three addresses searched in the Dartford area.

A simultaneous operation was carried out in New Jersey, America.

That "gun control" sure works good, doesn't it, not only in the socialist hellhole UK, but also in the socialist hellhole NJ.

Gee, a "Transatlantic Pipeline." That'll bolster calls for international "gun control" edicts.

Maybe Tony Blair can send his own investigators over here à la Michael Bloomberg, and then file lawsuits against American gun dealers.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife, except that such dangerous implements are prohibited from the hoi polloi.

The US "gun safe zone" of NJ is shipping 'excess' guns to the "gun safe zone" of the UK.

Don't people know there are laws against such things?


Anonymous said...

Are there any stories in the NJ papers about the raid there?

David Codrea said...

Good question, Nimrod 45.

North seems to contradict this report:

"The force said an operation linked to the British seizure was under way in New Jersey. Scotland Yard would not say where in the Garden State.

"Richard Marianos, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, said no raids were carried out in New Jersey, and no one was taken into custody in the Garden State.

"'For the past eight months, we've been working with British authorities on an investigation into international weapons trafficking,' he said. 'We were asked to conduct some followup investigative work supporting the search warrants' in England.

"'This is an ongoing case, and we're still working it,' he said."