Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Lock Down" the Best Schools Can Do

Schools were locked down in the western Oklahoma towns of Sweetwater and Reydon today after a maintenance man saw a man with a shotgun near a campus.

What's the worry? The kids all have books...

The overwhelming public denial of the only proven deterrent to school shootings is pathological. If an individual denied reality so strenuously, they would be diagnosed as delusional.

1 comment:

E. David Quammen said...

"....diagnosed as delusional."

Among other things....

I've a few diagnosis' myself, on the condition of such people. Few are fit to be printed. (And, I barely touched the subject of psychology in school). But, I can guarantee the diagnosis would be accurate. As well as the cure;

First of which, would be a good dose of REALITY.