Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Deputy Charged With Murder in Strickland Shooting

Go read.



Anonymous said...

I hope this case is properly adjudicated and that justice is done.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the info from the article won't be allowed in trial.

It seems our Mr. Long is a bad guy of Long (pun intended) standing.

Every drug dealer carries his wares by his brake pedal, uh huh.

Also, seems pretty convenient that the other party there was later killed by cops. May not be linked, but you gotta admit, it makes you want another look.

E. David Quammen said...

It is because of people such as you David, that justice, (albeit probably partial and inadequate), is going to be carried out. "The Only Ones" helps to ensure that fire is applied to their behinds. Good job! And keep up the good work.....