Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Gun Exchange I Could Support

Etah Allah, 31, who grew up in West Oakland, summed it up nicely.

"I wouldn't give them a sling shot," he said. "In fact, given some of the things that (Axl) Rose has said about black folks, I think I should get a gun for just going to the concert," he said, bringing a laugh from his friends.
I love it.


E. David Quammen said...

Axl Rose is a punk. He sends money to Charles Manson in prison. Wouldn't spend a penny to buy any 'Guns N' Roses' music.....

David Codrea said...

Got that right. Was referring to *giving* people a gun to attend...

I love it when socialist plots backfire in their faces--nobody from Oakland wants their damned tickets.

E. David Quammen said...

"I love it when socialist plots backfire in their faces--nobody from Oakland wants their damned tickets."

Yes, it is sweet to witness. Just wish it were utilized more often to make more of their plots backfire....