Saturday, December 16, 2006

Herbivores More Intelligent than Carnivores

Frequently dismissed as cranks, their fussy eating habits tend to make them unpopular with dinner party hosts and guests alike.

But now it seems they may have the last laugh, with research showing vegetarians are more intelligent than their meat-eating friends.
Allow me to illustrate:



Stupid Carnivores With Smart Herbivore: "Try the brains--they're delicious!"

So I think I'll do the smart thing and gain an advantage over predators by getting rid of my guns and becoming prey.

British researchers--is there anything they can't prove?


Anonymous said...

Too Funny

E. David Quammen said...

Coming to a country near you.....

Anonymous said...

Two of my older, grown daughters are raving liberal moonbats. One is a vegetarian, and sometimes falls off the wagon, with the result is that she looks like someone tried to stuff her when she was asleep. She gets mad and then goes back to vegetables and the Economist. The other is Omnivorous, and it shows. Barely five feet tall, she clocks in at probably a terrifying 380 lbs. Despite their educational opportunities, when it comes to reality and facts, they would both lose an argument with a 20 watt light bulb, mainly because they run on emotion and what someone has said, rather than fact-checking and logic. I have not sat down to break bread with either for years, and it does grieve me. But if vegetarians are superior in intelligence, it doesn't show. Not one country in history has ever been majority vegan, Nor any conquering army, including Ghengis Khan,when they weren't busy modeling for John(I was a punk in Viet-Nam)Kerry.

David Codrea said...

Sean, sorry to hear about the estrangement. I have two boys, 12 and 15, and it would kill me to not be close to either one of my savage little flesh-shredders (they had me on the floor gasping for air last night after they discovered the speech-to-text utility in Windows XP and spent the evening taking turns typing out crude, vulgar, and yes, obscene insults about each other, which came through the speakers in a Stephen Hawking machine voice--I could not stop laughing and neither could they).

In re great conqueror vegetarians, Genghis Khan may not have been one, but I can think of at least one guy who suffered from chronic protein deficiency...

Buffalokill said...

Haha! Nice.

Anonymous said...

After reading the link,(and the appropriate smacking of my forehead) I would have to state that vegetarianism MAY be an indicator of being a loser. Not only with Hitler as an example, but I have never known one of these people to be, shall we say, the sharpest knife in the drawer. I might also say that an abundance of protein in the diet is directly correlated with intelligence and vigor, as witnessed in third world countries where diet is mostly vegetarian. E. David Quammen, I am troubled by the fact that the Nanny-state, leftist, socialist, idiotarian society we have is breeding somewhere, a seething individual, or groups, of people who will be just like Adolph. And use his life as a blueprint.

E. David Quammen said...

Sean said "...we have is breeding somewhere, a seething individual, or groups, of people who will be just like Adolph...."

Yup. And he is going to have a number....starts with six, and ends with six. There's another six in the middle as well.....

But, not to worry, the U.S., as we know it, won't be around when he appears. Read Revelations 17 & 18 about the fate of "the great whore".....