The first evolutionary move in this direction came from Free Constitution, who submitted a photo of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez using the selected caption "Make me safe from armed violence."
Then E. David Quammen from Gun Show on the Net came up with an inspired idea and hit the ball out of the park.
This was his submission:

The caption: Make me safe from armed violence.
And the Million Faces campaign posted it!
Why is that funny? Why is that worthy of becoming the new tactic for us to use?
Because, if you haven't recognized it already, the image is of genocidal butcher Pol Pot, the monster responsible for Cambodia's "Killing Fields." And because that's exactly what "gun control" does--it makes monsters safe from (defensive) gun violence.
David's success made me realize that--instead of sending protest photos we know Control Arms will reject and substitute--we could probably get them to post many more of our actual submissions if we just sent in portraits of predators. A Google image search on the name of a known tyrant or Nazi is one good place to start (just make sure if you pick a dictator he's not in military uniform--I found a great portrait of Idi Amin in a suit looking very respectable, ditto for Uday and Qusay Hussein...)
But why stop there?
We have the FBI's "Most Wanted List." The Postal Service also puts out posters, as do many state and municipal law enforcement websites.
And then we have the sexual predators, like on California's "Megan's Law" website (and their "illegal use" disclaimer doesn't address what I'm proposing here)...
David's success really does open up a wealth of potential for sticking it in the eye of those who are working to undermine our rights, plus it's just plain ironically funny. Let me know if Control Arms posts your predator, and keep those pictures coming in.
UPDATE: Forgot to include this--we got a nice mention over at Rational Review.
The Million Moon March
Million Moon March Update
Joining the March
Million Moon March Update (#2)
Million Moon March Gallery
Gallery Updates
...David's success made me realize...
Thanks for the kudo's David. However, I give the credit to The Big Guy In The Sky. Am convinced we will need His help in the battle for our Freedom.
Our Founders surely relied on Him, and He delivered - Big Time! They went up against the most powerful nation on earth, at the time, and WON! Just some food for thought.
OK... I still don't understand what the goal is here of us sending in our photos (which will be used to padd their numbers). Pictures of Pol Pot, Uday, Qusay, and others in their rank will only look like normal people when put into the mix on that website. As, we do not have Uncle George giving us TONS of cash we cannot retaliate with a pro-gun website. Is it simply to harras the anti-gun people (will that only inspire them?)
I am not trying to be a jerk, just understand...
Bill - It taints their 'numbers'. As David has pointed out. These people use deception to advance their 'cause'. While this 'new' tactic combats their 'deception' with reality.
In addition, it shows their ineptitude. As well as portraying, in vivid detail, the BEST REASON to be AGAINST 'GUN CONTROL'.
Bill - we cannot retaliate with a pro-gun website...
'We' already have retaliated;
The War on Guns
etc., etc., etc.
And ALL of the aforementioned sites, (as well as many more 'worthy' ones not mentioned), use FACTS in the presenting of the TRUTH.
Money or no, TRUTH will always dominate over fiction. ACTION is the KEY.
Bill--there are multiple purposes: to stick 'em in the eye, to proclaim our defiance, to help invalidate their claims of suppport, but most of all TO HAVE FUN.
And it lets people be involved with no investment except a few minutes. We don't NEED tons of cash or a website--all we need is people willing to spend a minute or two to send a message.
If you go back through the previous posts, you'll see I said at the outset I had no hopes most gun owners would even lift a finger. So far, the response has been much more than I had hoped, but atill, in the scheme of things, insignificant.
If you could spend 3 minutes to add your statement, and if others would join in, it would gain in significance as compared to the Million Faces project. But just understand--in the grand scheme of things, this is all fairly trivial compared to the serious work we must each be willing to undertake.
But if we won't do this easy thing that costs us nothing, why should we have any belief that people will come to the green when muster is finally called?
I'd love to see someone come up with a project that gives us more bang for the buck--potential chance to have our voices heard for absolutely no cost and minimal time.
But seeing as how this will take you about the same time as it did for me to post this reply, what has anyone got to lose?
I have submitted a new picture and will update later as to its status.
This one is just a picture of a happy guy enjoying his pipe.
Fantastic Idea!
I submitted Lon Horiuchi, who advises "No more arms for atrocities"
I love the idea as well, have participated, yet my fabulous picture was not posted.
I will try a not-so-obvious picture and will mention this in Second Amendment Saturday now linked to every blog hosting open trackbacks.
I'm sending Control Arms this pic (of me working out).
I'll post on above everything I send in.
Thanks David!
Ride Fast
I'm online!
Hey, all.
Jeffrey Dahmer is now online urging viewers to "stop the terror trade."
Here's my contribution
Lon Horiuchi is now online.
Here's my contribution
Osama asking to be safe from armed violence.
Reinhard Heydrich and his son Klaus just asked the world to "stop the terror trade"....
ROTFLMAO, with tears and snrting...
This is so cool...
Here is my small contribution
Update: They accepted my submission. Here's the link to my post:
I also added "million moon march" to my Technorati tags.
I am new to the pro gun blogs but this effort made me laugh heartily. I did some surfing of the gallery and there are some good ones such as Idi Amin and Hitler in there at least for now. I posted a great image of Charles Manson that I found online but I'm pretty sure that they changed it... There seem to be a number of Charles's from the US with the same photo, I suspect that I was not alone!
Well, using another email account, I attempted to post this bastard.
Of course, I used a more "civil" picture of him.
We'll see how it all pans out.
Still nothing on my new photo just yet. I think they're onto me (surprise surprise). You guys who pass (with OBL no less!) must get the potheads on shift or something.
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