Monday, January 15, 2007

Because "Bounty" Sounds so much Nicer than "Snitch"

The program is a gun bounty program modeled after one in Jacksonville. It lets people turn in others who are carrying guns illegally, all to get a reward...

"We’re actually going to offer through CrimeLine $1,000 reward to anyone that turns in somebody that has an illegal gun or a gun that has been used in a crime of some sort. And that's a pretty significant reward, $1,000, and you can do it anonymously."

Dyer says the program has been effective in Jacksonville, but it’s impossible to calculate the exact impact it had on crime there.

Great way to get rid of the competition if you're a drug dealer, or for an "Only One" to bypass that pesky Fourth Amendment and anonymously phone in his own "tips."

And don't you just love the way they claim it's "effective" but can't come up with any proof?


E. David Quammen said...

The communists and nazis did the same thing. Even encouraging family members to turn on each other. What a disgusting example of Freedom and Liberty this country has turned into. More than disgusting actually, it's downright evil....

Anonymous said...

Cool. A Couple of $85 Hi Points planted in the right place and you can buy something decent. Now haow many politicians do you know who have been convicted?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would be a good idea to make the flaw in the system obvious the only logical way... By using it.

I suggest every pro-gunner in FL start picking names out of phone books and calling to "report" possibly illegal gun ownership.

If they follow up on bad tips, people will start to notice. If they realize they're getting bad tips, they won't be able to act on them.

Anonymously "tip" on yourself and file a lawsuit for harassment!

Snitch on the mayor, or police chief! The possibilities are endless!

Anonymous said...

ET, I like the idea, except, do we really want to share guilt for all the innocent dead these ninja pretend sonsabitches will kill with their dynamic entry crap?

I like the idea, but would only be willing to pull it on those actively on the anti-liberty side.