Thursday, January 25, 2007

"End Restrictions on Restrictions"

Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor joined mayors from around the country in Washington to urge an end to federal restrictions on information that could help local police track illegal guns.
Do you think Kathy & Pals might be interested in NICS purchase information? All the new democrat majority would have to do is change the law to allow the feds to retain the data and share it. Any bets our kinder, gentler "collective rights" proponent (or the likely democrat successor in '08) wouldn't sign on to that under the doctrine of "compelling state interest"?

Seems to me I read somewhere once about a way to do background checks (unconstitutional prior restraints though they be) that wouldn't have put gun owners at such risk, but the major gun groups rejected having anything to do with it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "compelling state interest" argument always makes me laugh. We The People ARE the ONLY true "interest".

We FORMED, ORDAINED and ESTABLISHED ALL governments in America. If it wasn't for us, the "state" wouldn't exist. How can an artificial entity have ANY "interest" at all? In REALITY it cannot.

All those whom SERVE us in our governments. Just as We The People, are supposed to be BOUND by the "Supreme Law of the land" - We The People's United States Constitution. And, the whole intent of a "Free" government. Is that we bind ourselves by laws made by OUR OWN consent.

It's the "sheeple" whom are the millstone tied around We The People's neck. And the perverse minions of hell in our governments know it and play on the fact. When the "sheeple" become corrupt, the government follows suit.....