Sunday, January 14, 2007

Pentagon to Develop Super-Suits

The Pentagon is hoping that a new type of suit will give its soldiers super-human powers. It would be made from a newly developed super-strong but super-lightweight fabric that could stop bullets and increase the soldiers muscle power up to a hundredfold.
If and when they get the super-suit perfected, is there any question they'll be limited to the standing army/"Only Ones," and possession by the "militia" will be verboten?

This story reminded me of one of my favorite old "Outer Limits" episodes.


Fits said...

Michael Ansara I believe was in that episode. I DO miss the OL. Or maybe just the era.

E. David Quammen said...

"This story reminded me of one of my favorite old "Outer Limits" episodes."

It reminds me of Himmler, Hitler, the SS and their "Aryan" fantasy.

me said...

E.D.Q., what I was reminded of. This is nothing new actually, maybe a new development, but been watching for a little while

E. David Quammen said...

hairy hobbit - Victory by making our guns ineffective....Thereby making We The People a moot point - or, in other words, subjects.

Anonymous said...

If this is real, we'd better figure out a way to defeat it!

Kent McManigal said...

Find a way to use the suits against the wearers. Make the "strength" into a "weakness".

David Codrea said...

Just as a theoretical, if I were wearing this suit, first I doubt I'd be as nimble as a non-armored opponent. Assuming I were immune to long range rifle fire, which I doubt, I don't think I'd want to go up against an insurgent popping up from nowhere with a dollar's worth of gasoline, a Coke bottle and a rag...

Anonymous said...

This is very old news. I remember reading about a so-called super suit in Defense Weekly back in 1990. Same thing, hundred-fold increase in physical strength, defaet up to a .50 cal, had built in missle launcher and .50 cal machine gun. A group of soliders in these contraptions were to be loaded in a B2 bomb rack and dropped over their target to parachute in and cause destruction and mayhem. They looked kind of like the Deep Sea GYM suits, not quite as bulky. I can only imagine how far they have come with this since I first read about it 17 years ago.