Friday, February 09, 2007

We're the Only Ones Behaving Like Occupiers Enough

When two men delivering furniture for a reputable retailer end up getting shot by a customer, something has gone terribly wrong. When the shooter is a police officer and the incident took place in Prince George's County, alarm bells go off -- uh-oh, here we go again, say residents who have lived through all too many cases involving overzealous cops.

Then, when the police department leaps to the shooter's defense -- announcing initially, before any investigation, that the unarmed deliverymen would probably be charged with assault -- the groans of exasperation grow louder. [More]
"Out here, I am the court" just about says it all, doesn't it?

[More from "The Only Ones" files...]



Anonymous said...


I posted this in the wrong spot initially. Sorry David.

Let me go WAY out on a limb here and make a prediction.

Nothing much will happen to this POS LEO.

And the inexorable march towards tyranny will continue, and most people in this country are OK with such a state of affairs.

me said...

so they assaulted (him?) by delivering furniture?

He can go hang out with bubba and his other only one for a few life sentences worth.

Fatherland security huh, seems fitting.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't find anything about the current shooting just that it happened.

I make this prediction. Some day he will leave the wrong abused man alive and he will be hunted down and killed for it. As he deserves.

When they won't police their own they have declared themselves enemies of the citizen and the country. Putting aside the lack of morality and the lack of consequence for criminal cops, leave that debate for another time, are they really so stupid and short-sighted as to not see they are courting open warfare by an armed citizenry on their criminal asses?

I know it is worse in higher gun control places, but do they really think they will win the race to disarmament and thus total safety for their depredations?

Here is another problem that the so called 'good' cops are going to have. Once the citizenry has been pushed too far and starts hanging cops from streetlights how do they make the distinction? They all wear the same blue. If they had really been 'good' cops there wouldn't be any cover for the bad ones, would there?

Anonymous said...


The state will never allow citizens to "police" the police. Never.

If citizens were not hunted down after committing such an act it would set a dangerous precedent regarding the absolute monopoly of force to which the state feels entitled.

That is why in some jurisdictions the sole capital offense is the killing of a LEO. The state has a vested interest in keeping the proletariat in line in so far as standing up to law enforcers.

I cannot imagine any violent reprisals against LEOs not being met with OVERWHELMING MASSIVE responses by local, state, and even federal law enforcement.

It would be done in the name of restoring order. It would be done in terms of bringing murderers to justice. It would be done as part of the war on terror.

But make no mistake, it would be done.

It would be done with sufficient force to send a message that armed confrontation with LEOs equates to a death sentence, for those that try it, and anyone around them (families, pets, sympathetic parties, bystanders, and witnesses).