Saturday, February 24, 2007

We're the Only Ones Incompetent Enough

Jay. Mac sums this one up better than I could in his email notifying me of this story:
This one is hard to stomach- a cop got a top priority call to respond to a 5 year old child being abused. Instead of going over straight away he fingerprinted a driver with expired tags, wrote him out with a ticket and then went. He “believed” that priority call was just routine. It took him 24 minutes to respond even though he was only 3 miles away.

An IA investigation found him incompetent. Not the first time either- he failed to respond to calls before, and seems to be obsessed with traffic stops.

Needless to say, he hasn't been fired- just reprimanded and suspended.

I actually fault the cowardly neighbors as much, if not more, than the derelict "Only One." I could not be a witness to child abuse and neglect to intervene. But of course, the laws where I live would make things problematic should I decide an escalation of force threat was necessary to stop violence...

This is what happens when individuals abdicate personal responsibility and control over their lives to the collective. Sheep bleating for a keeper who comes in his own sweet time.

How did that rhyme go?


Lemuel Calhoon said...

"he failed to respond to calls before, and seems to be obsessed with traffic stops."

Cops who work in safe areas love to do traffic stops because divers usually cringe and grovel.

If you are afraid to answer a radio call involving a violent afray which might call for you to have to deal with someone who is willing to fight back pulling over speeders could seem a comforting refuge.

me said...


I'd let the parents at this guy.

and for any antis, THIS is the reason to own a gun. You see how the police protected the child. Now imagine it had been someone being killed or attacked in your family.

I won't even touch on fingerprinting drivers. I'll just say Officer Gabriel E. Dobkin needs to lose his job for starters.

David Codrea said...

And don't forget the occasional fringe benefits, LC...

Lemuel Calhoon said...

Thanks, I really needed THAT mental picture!

Anonymous said...

This cowardly sonofabitch needs to be jailed. Not fired, jailed, as an accessory. If I was on the same force with him, I wouldn't beat him up, I would just spank the chickenshit bastard.

Anonymous said...

Blaming all police for what this officer did is like blaming all gun owners when someone gets shot.

As for the notion that cops think they are the only ones who should have guns, that's BS. Most rank and file cops blame criminals, not guns, and absolutely support the right of law abiding citizens to own firearms. The only one's in the lap of the antis are the political weasel big city Chiefs and upper administrators trying to appease some citizens group or other.

David Codrea said...

You're obviously new here, anon, if you think that's what I'm doing. Click on the "Only Ones" link in the story and you'll see hundreds of other stories. I've repeated the below disclaimer many times, but don't do it with each "Only Ones" post because I don't think it's necessary, but I'll repeat it again here for your benefit:

The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.

If you're new to "The Only Ones Files," I credit the title to Lee Paige, the DEA agent who shot himself in the foot in front of a classroom full of children immediately after telling them "I'm the only one in this room professional enough that I know of to carry this Glock .40."

Anonymous said...

I don't blame all cops for this one's actions. But changing the status of 911 calls, like this officer did, is quite common. Although, most officers I've seen do it, usually only do it on low priority calls; dog barking, noise ordinance, etc.

An officer will change the report to appear they have arrived on scene and started investigating before getting there. In the past it required the officer to radio back to dispatch and tell them to "mark" them down as arrived. With laptops logged in to the dispatch network, all they have to do now is hit a button to make it appear as if they have arrived on scene and are starting their investigation.

Why would police do this? It makes the department keep their "average response times" artificially low. This stat can be manipulated to help the sheriff win re-election, or help the department secure a larger budget.

I've seen numerous departments willing to practice the habit. It doesn't make them evil, just human. Much like us "commoners", yet police are automatically considered capable enough to handle full auto "assault weapons", and a host of other privileges, yet "civilians" are told they aren't capable of handling single shot rifles.

As for what "most rank and file cops" support; they support, (through their enforcement of), all gun-control laws on the books. There may be a small few who refuse to arrest for not having the correct tax receipts, but they would quickly be fired for their stand on freedom.