Friday, March 30, 2007

We're the Only Ones Tipped Enough

The program, a partnership between Crime Stoppers and law enforcement agencies, will offer a $500 reward when an anonymous tip leads to the arrest of a person in possession of an illegal firearm...

Initial rewards in the fund will be paid through the sale of candies, confections and other items bought by prisoners in the Marion County Jail.

So if I want to get rid of a rival gang member, all I need to do is phone in an anonymous tip and let "The Only Ones" do my dirty work for me? Or if I'm a cop and I don't really have enough probable cause to stop and search someone, I can do the same? Nice end run around the Constitution, that one!

How fitting that this criminal activity will be financed by criminals--oh, and also prisoners...

[Via Armed and Christian]


Anonymous said...

Today it is "illegal firearms." At another time in this country, citizens were encouraged to spy on their neighbors to see if any of them demonstrated "Communist tendencies." In another country, people were encouraged to spy on neighbors who might be harboring Jews. In another couple years, perhaps people will be spying on their Christian churches and
neighbors who might preach against homosexuality, and report them for "hate speech."

I asked for a list of companies who are participating in this program, so that I can stop supporting people who want to
assist and accelerate the stripping away of our Civil
Rights to privacy and firearms ownership.

As an intriguing aside, I would be interested in seeing the number of "gun crimes" in Marion County perpetrated in the last year by Law Enforcement Officers and compare this to the number of similar crimes by civilians in other occupations besides Law Enforcement. Perhaps the best way to cut down on crimes involving firearms in Indiana might be to take them out of the hands of the Special Deputies.

Anonymous said...

$500 reward when an anonymous tip

How do they expect to pay an anonymous person? I sort of found that humorous.

Anonymous said...

I was intrigued by the fluff video that didn't show the usual "seized weapon stash" (of course, with the obligatory pile of drugs nearby) or video of criminals in the act of committing a crime .... no, they chose instead to use video of gun shops and persons making lawful purchases. Must be nice being an "authorized" journalist.

me said...

strange, I didn't catch the repealing of the 6th amendment.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

did that just happen with the "new congress in town?" Did the plastic fantastic Pelosi, who rivals Michael Jackson and John Kerry (who was in Vietnam ya know) ram that through?

Anonymous said...

I considered contacting the firearm manufacturer (Sturm Ruger) that was "featured" repeatedly in the video to see how they felt about it. I thought it went a little further than just background footage since the logo and name seemed pretty prominent in the video. I could not find any online (email) contact information. Is this worth pursuing?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I don't know, Wild Deuce. I hadn't thought about that.

I did send an e-mail to Jack Rinehart about this program, as well as to my Rep in the Statehouse, but I've not heard anything from either of them. One of the people with whom I attend church also e-mailed Rinehart, and from what I understand his response was pretty harsh.

David Codrea said...

a&c: Can your friend forward us Rinehart's response? That seems blogworthy, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I'll ask him to forward it to me. Hopefully he'll still have it. Rinehart still hasn't replied to my e-mail, neither to my follow-up e-mail asking if he received my original one and whether or not he was going to answer it.