Friday, April 20, 2007

Radio Rankin

Larry Rankin got some air time on The Colab Report , following a special appearance by Columbine survivor Crystal Woodman Miller. I didn't have time to listen to her segment, so I don't know if she came away from the experience with an appreciation for armed defense or not.

Click on "Download" for the April 19 show. Larry's segment starts a bit past half way through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, I linked to the site and listened to the interview and incredibly, the issue of armed self defense never came up. Crystal Miller did say that she felt guns were too easily available in the US, but that ultimately it didn’t matter what laws were in place as someone bent on violence could not be stopped. So I guess there is nothing we can do if an armed mutant decides to take our lives, other than cower and hope he picks on someone else.