Monday, May 14, 2007

"A Gun Reform We Can All Support"

This slick attempt to sound like a "reasonable" consensus is a given reminds me of the old Lone Ranger joke where he tells Tonto they're surrounded by Indians:
"What you mean WE, Kemosabe?"
Don't presume to speak for me. I'm firmly in the "shall not be infringed" camp, and if a person has been adjudicated too dangerous to be allowed access to a gun, what the hell is he doing running around free with access to matches, fertilizer and box cutters?


Anonymous said...

The only reform I want to see is the repealling of gun laws, not the addition of them.

I too, am in the "shall not infringe" camp with you.

Anonymous said...

I could'a sworn Tonto said "what yuo mean 'we', PALEFACE".

G-Man said...

The only type of gun control measures that I support are the kind that lead to a greater propensity of lead striking center target.

Anonymous said...

Also don't forget that its a standard tactic, historically practiced in most totalitarian states, to brand sane and mentally healthy individual opposition members as "mentally ill" and lock them in an institution in order to both physically remove them from the public discourse as well as to discredit their ideas, and terrify their supporters into silence...Communist China, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany all did it, and a number of pseudo-scientific liberal pop-psychologists have written articles in pyschological reviews and popular magazines trying to define conservatism as a mental illness.

In most cases,you cannot know what is in a man's (or woman's) heart or mind prior to their acting it out...and then you need a broadly armed populace to prevent mass murders like VaTech. Letting some "authority figure" like a govermnment psychologist decide in advance that you oughtn't have a gun, can lead to sane folks losing their rights without ever having committed a crime...kind of like being on the no-fly list. Proven mental health cases or those with violent backgrounds, should be kept from getting guns, but it's too easy to doctor-shop for a left-leaning psychologist who doesn't believe anyone should have a gun. Doug in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Ah, nuts. I missed one.

Gunreform: The process by which a "black" rifle may be absolved of its sins, and transform from a bad gun into a good gun.

I'm all for Gunreform. If praticed throughout this great land, we will soon be rid of bad guns.

Anonymous said...

a bad gun is any gun............that refuses to volunteer for my collection sans financial consideration.

Kent McManigal said...

I posted a comment on that article. It was there, but when I refreshed the page about a minute later, my comment was gone, leaving only the two which agreed with the article. So, being a jerk, I posted the same comment again. This time it never even showed up on their page. They are afraid.

David Codrea said...

Kent, you have two posts up there.

Kent McManigal said...

That is odd, because it shows none of mine when I look at the page. It showed my first one just for a minute, then it was gone. I can't see any of my comments now on there at all. I would have suspected comment moderation, except that it was there, and then disappeared, on my end, at least.