Sunday, May 13, 2007

New WarOnGuns Poll: Should Terror Suspects be Banned from Purchasing Guns?

The Bush Administration supports legislation to bar terror suspects from buying firearms or obtaining permits. Do you agree with this position? Go to the poll in the left margin and vote.

The results of the last poll are below (click image to enlarge). This one ran for two weeks instead of the usual one week duration because I was on the road last week with limited computer access.


Kent McManigal said...

After all the excitement over DHS's website declaration that if you have a Gadsden flag and you don't like the concept of massive government stomping on your rights then you are a "domestic terrorist" I don't even want convicted "terrorists" being denied guns. Only terrorists in government clothing should be denied guns, but then those are the ones setting the rules, so that won't happen.

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could vote for two AND four on this poll. Both answers reflect how I feel.

However, where is the line between what is criminal and what is honest revolutionary activity, and how do we tell the difference?

In the end, though, the gov't will call ALL of us terrorists, so I'll just have to get used to the label, and avail myself of the black market when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

What's a "terror suspect"? Is there even a legal definition for that? I can't really vote until that's cleared up.

Or is that term a PC substitute for "Islamofascist"?

AlanDP said...

Crotalus: Technically, choice #4 is not exactly valid. Once convicted, one is no longer a suspect. One is a convict. The question is: should one lose their rights before due process, that is, when they are still a suspect.

Anonymous: This has already been answered. One description of a terrorist suspect is that they emphasize Constitutional rights. By that definition, probably everyone who reads this blog is already a terrorist suspect.

I agree with Crotalus, that eventually we will all be declared terrorists.