Wednesday, June 06, 2007

High-Powered Hysteria

There were two suspects in a white sedan who apparently fired the shots. They were driving alongside the victim's car on Martin Luther King Drive. They fired at least 10 rounds, police say, into the car with a high-powered handgun.

My source says it was one of these, so if that proves true, expect great political hay (and more pfodder for Pfleger) to be made, in spite of the ammo that can perform all those miracles of destruction being reserved for "The Only Ones."

[Via HZ]


InFerroVeritas said...

Unless the "Only Ones" are selling the restricted ammo on the street, I doubt it was used in this shooting.

me said...

As Chris Rock said “If a friend calls you on the telephone and says they’re lost on Martin Luther King Boulevard and they want to know what they should do, the best response is, ‘Run!”’

"I don't care where you live in America, if you're on Martin Luther King Boulevard, there's some violence going on."

With their history of "losing" guns it wouldn't surprise me.

Maybe it's the name and not the guns?

Anonymous said...

Well, it's underway. These so-called journalists are marching to their master's orders. Minutes ago they ran a piece about this new deadly gun that has made it's way to Chicago's streets. The promo heading was "Weapon Warning" with a picture of the FN 57. They did "report" that the actual armor piercing ammo is only available to "the only ones." That fact was immediately followed by a sound bite from an "only one" saying that "there is no reason for any sportsmen anywhere to have one of these guns, none whatsoever!" Of course not, it would make it a lot harder for Daley's goon squad to beat up the citizenry. Anyway, to prove what good little reporters they are, they also reported that Chucks Gun Shop has one of these terrible new guns in their display case for under a $1000. Perfect timimg huh? That little fact wouldn't have anything to do with Pflegar's and Jackson's protest at the shop last week? or Pflegar's appearance later this evening on the same channel? You couldn't buy this kind of pulicity ... or could you?

Anonymous said...

Correct quote and story:

"There is no reason for the average sportsman to have a weapon with a 20-round magazine capability for a handgun. There is just no point to it," said Matthew Tobias, deputy superintendent."

Anonymous said...

no reason huh?

Anonymous said...

The media / "Snuffy" Pflegar lovefest continues ....

I just finished watching the special report on "Stop the Violence" ...

Eliminate the Second Amendment (Pflegar)... a new national handgun registration bill to be introduced next week ...

they just keep poking with that stick, don't they???