Thursday, July 26, 2007

Forfeit This

I mentioned yesterday how someone from the Treasury Department's Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture was lurking at WarOnGuns.

I sent them the above email, transcribed in full below:

I want to know why someone from your office was visiting my blog, The War on Guns. If it was someone visiting for personal reasons, I object as a taxpayer having government facilities used during working hours. If it was due to acting in an "official" capacity, I can't imagine why, unless it was in regards to my reporting on BATFE activities. If it was to send a "ping" that my site is being monitored, I'm curious as to what purpose you think that would accomplish--I certainly hope it's not meant to intimidate. Or perhaps it's just an automated search related to "homeland security" based on keywords? If you're interested in that, have I got some citizen militia activation suggestions for you.

I'm going to post this email, as well as any reply (or lack of one) I get from your office.

It may be nothing, or it may, as some have speculated--be calculated to chill. I figure the best way to handle things is using the same standard I impose on myself: conducting my public affairs in the full light of day.

Why would any government agency fear that?


Anonymous said...

Agents of the B.A.T.F.E. deserve and SHOULD be hung from the tree of Liberty until dead. Remember Oklahoma City!

David Codrea said...

I ordinarily delete comments like this, pshootr, because they can really be used against us. You'll note in all my writings I never call for such things to happen, and I post under my full name.

I'm going to assume you're justifiably furious over government agents usurping and abusing unconstitutional and tyrannical powers, and in that light, your sentiment is one that has been acted on historically, and is arguably one felt by victims and their sympathizers today. By the same token--and understand I'm not saying this applies to you--there are those on the side of the persecutors who do everything they can to discredit the liberty movement--including making us look like violent extremists. They even post "outrageous" comments anonymously on blogs, and then use those comments against us--Red's just had one such comment highlighted in a complaint to the judge.

So I'm leaving your comment up--this time--so I could illustrate this point. But you and others--please understand--if you wish to post such thoughts under your own name, as I do, or defend identifiable people such as the ones I do, then do so. But please, not here, and not anonymously. If you won't put your own name behind your beliefs, please don't presume to put mine there.