Sunday, August 19, 2007

BATFU to Wyoming: "You Will Be Assimilated"

The state of Wyoming says the federal agency that enforces gun laws was wrong to reject a state law that seeks to allow people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to regain their firearms rights in the state courts.

Now why would an agency that reports to the "Vote Freedom First" president do that?


Anonymous said...

Wyoming, get ready for war, and do not be afraid to wage it against this rogue agency.

Anonymous said...

"if Wyoming is able to skirt the law and enable dangerous people to get guns, then other states could do that too"

Funny, I'd thought the dangerous people already had guns, including not just actually dangerous evil people, who care nothing for laws, but also the power-drunk madmen in the BATFE (who also aparently care nothing for laws, e.g. the Constitution)?