Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Make People Feel Like What?

From J.T.McAdams:

I spoke with Ryan at Red's today. I ordered the blue hat. He doesn't know me from Adam but you wouldn't know it by our conversation. He is very personable and seems to be a genuinely humble and appreciative individual -despite the downright BS he is having to endure. He was very complimentary of you and the work you've done to get the story out. I told him you had a way of motivating people to get involved...and making them feel like crap if they don't. He laughed. I did too. Keep it up David. Thanks.

I laughed too, J.T. Thanks for brightening up my day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little shame is a powerful motivator.

David is good at shaming us to do more to protect the RTKBA in the United States.

I'm grateful for David efforts. We need to be reminded that we all can do more.

Thanks for all you do David.