Friday, August 03, 2007

The Main Problem

There are so many weapons out there that people have started carrying guns personalised in different colours - just to be different.

Kind of like a "rainbow coalition"? If this isn't a testament to the effectiveness of UK gun bans, I don't know what is.

But here's the main problem:

The main problem is that, in many areas, prevention work is only supported for a few months and long-term funding is always an issue...

I know exactly what Lucy means. Thank goodness for "long-term funding" and "prevention work." It's the only thing that keeps me from killing again and again and again...and probably you too.


Anonymous said...

"There, the council has spent £494,704 on gun prevention projects..."
That's a lot of money to spend on a problem that was supposed to be solved by banning guns.

Anonymous said...

Great point.

When you force people to defend themselves in a manner fit for prehistoric times (if at all) rather that allow them to use 19th Century technology**, at a bare minimum, it cheapens the whole body of law. A government can't claim the governed are an advanced civilization or even humane, while at the same time shunning the self-evident natural laws that were widely recognized by the 18th Century.

There will never be a point at which the disarmers will arrive at their goal, because it's all relative. Any attacker with any weapon has an advantage over a disarmed defender. Mankind has wielded weapons since before he could record it in writing. Without weapons, we'd be no better than chimps, and if it came to that, I wouldn't be surprised if the disarmers proposed to restrict feces-throwing.

The utter futility and stupidity of disarming the populace is astounding. Does it ever occur to these people that part of the reason the serious criminal activity grows is because they're wasting resources on these failed social engineering projects?

Perhaps it's time to pressure these people. A well-placed "authorized journalist" should be asking: "These disarmament policies have been a failure everywhere in the world. Why do you continue to throw good money after bad at failed policies? Aren't you humiliated by failure?"

** 19th Century technology: Self-contained ammunition, widespread use of rifling, nitro propellants, the box magazine and self-loading firearms.

Anonymous said...

Chair warming bureaucrats that study and administer funds for crime study & other govt. programs DO NOT WANT THE CRIME RATE TO GO DOWN!! That would eliminate their cushy jobs laden with bennies.