Saturday, August 25, 2007

What You Can Do About Jesse Jackson's Aug. 28 Anti-Gun Protests

Through a massive and coordinated blitz of letters to the editor of our local newspapers in the days and weeks leading up to the August 28 demonstrations, we can speak directly to American citizens and our elected officials with the facts straight from the mouths of voting constituents.

Fine, yes, by all means do that. But gee, NRA--would it have killed you to encourage the membership to buy a box of ammo on that day? One announcement like this from Fairfax and this really would become a national news item.

Same with the other gun groups--you're aware that a small number of gun blogs and supportive individuals have been the only ones doing a thing about this. I just don't get the downside.


Anonymous said...

Because they didn't come up with the idea. If they tried to steal credit for it, they know they would be thoroughly excoriated for it on the interwebs, they refuse to give credit for anything to any other group, organization or individual...therefore, their only option is to pretend like it's not happening.

The NRA is like a 4 million pound spoiled 5 year old who throws a tantrum any time anyone other than him gets any attention.

"Gun politics are MY toy...mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine. You can't play with MY toy!...Gimme!.....WAAAAHHHHHH!"

--Wayne LaPierre (not an exact quote)

David Codrea said...

Thing is, nobody needs credit for it--I did credit Kim DuToit for his original National Ammo Day idea, and The Firearms Coaltion for picking Aug 28 as a day of Exercise Your Rights counter-activism, but I repeat: I don't need any "credit" for this--enough people have creatively made this project their own, and that is totally unimportant to me--the objective is the objective.

Anonymous said...

"--the objective is the objective."-David

And therein lies the answer to why the NRA doesn't really support any other gun rights groups, or offer support to others or work toward returning the 2nd amendment to the prominence of the other amendments.

Their objective is to perpetuate the problem to enable them to solicit membership, donations, and their image as an important player, and to attend political dinners with "important" people.

You are so right about "the objective is the objective". It is obvious from the NRA's actions that their objective has nothing to do with constitutional rights,or patriotism evidenced by support for the supreme law of the land. Their objective is totally self-serving. They do the least they must only in order to keep the charade alive.