Monday, September 10, 2007

We're the Only Ones Having it Our Way Enough

A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.
He couldn't just taste it and demand another burger?

What is it about "The Only Ones" and fast food workers?

[Via Stan]


Anonymous said...

If he arrested someone over that, he was way sick before he ever walked into the store.

Anonymous said...

A couple weeks ago when the family was all gathered at my niece's home, after visitation at the hospital. Very serious cancer, second go 'round and doesn't look good for her.

Anyway we all went to her home with her little kids, parents, other aunts, uncles, cousins, husband stayed at hospital. We were sitting around the kitchen table talking and trying to decide how much to tell the kids when it was noted that someone had to return to town to finish some chores. I was having a whiskey/coke, left it on the table and made the run.

When I returned my drink was sitting just where I left it. I took a big drink and damn near choked. Everyone else laughed their asses on off, including my wife, the traitor. My sister in law had emptied the salt shaker into it before I ever pulled out of the driveway.

I poured it out made another one and used some choice words on my sister-in-law. I don't think she bought it, as i was laughing as hared as everybody else. Perfect mood lifter for a very sad group.


Of course, I'm nearly as dainty as our steroid gangs in blue.

Anonymous said...


Of course, I'm NOT nearly as dainty.....etc. And I am terminally ill, why aren't these pussy sonsofbitches ashamed of themselves?

Anonymous said...

couldn't find an email address for them, so I'll say it here and if anybody finds an email address post it here and I will sent this to them.

Why the Hell was he eating a hamburger anyway? Nine Lives is all the dietary sustenance he'll ever need.

How does he know he was sick? Did he go to a gynecologist? That's the only doctor he'll ever need.

Anonymous said...

She was arrested for salting an officer?

Anonymous said...

"Nine Lives" is kind of sakty, too, now that you mention it.