Wednesday, September 19, 2007

We're the Only Ones Process Monitoring Enough

More and more, local officials are turning to the police to handle problems rather than working to resolve the problems themselves. These moves appear based on the notion that quality of life can best or most easily be enhanced at the point of a gun. Police forces in our country were never intended to serve as society's enforcers of "quality of life."

This is a good article by Bob Barr that introduces a new way of looking at increased government intervention in our lives, that is, as "quality control," or more accurately, "Total Quality Management." With the totalitarian process standards, of course, being defined by "upper management"...

Hey, don't think of us as "Only Ones," think of us as a cross-functional corrective action team!

Zero defects, anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder when people are going to start depending on the police to tuck them into bed at night? What's wrong with these people that they have to run to the police for every little problem?