Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Genocide Resistance

Whatever may be said about the U.S. House of Representatives committee vote concerning the use of the term “genocide” in reference to Turkey’s atrocities against the Armenians during World War I, two facts are indisputable: It was gun confiscation that made the atrocities possible. And it was the possession of firearms that saved many Armenians.

Read the latest from Dave Kopel & Paul Gallant, & Joanne D. Eisen.


Anonymous said...

Everyone reading this post should go to the link and read the entire article. It teach again the great lesson that tyrants love unarmed people and eventually love them so much they kill them. I will have hope for America as long as guns are 'allowed.' The day after
'they' confiscate guns, I will be looking for 'them' to murder innocent civilians who disagree. Sam

Kent McManigal said...

Except that "they" haven't waited until guns are confiscated. Government agents are murdering people every day. With almost no repercussions.

Anonymous said...

Kent, when you are not armed in the law, you are not armed unless you wage war and win. Unfortunately, we have too many pale-blooded, testicularly challenged, bootlicking (supporters?) brothers who value official recognition as team players more than they value liberty for themselves or their families. What can you say about a man who cares not what harm he enables for his children?

There are repercussions if they fuck with mine. They don't set all the rules. I set some of my own. If I or mine are not trespassed no one need fear, if we are, there is no place to hide.

If we had more barbarians like me, we would be a much more civilized society.