Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Today's Special

From MassBackward:
Me (after picking up my jaw): You'd rather be killed than kill someone, even if that person is trying to kill you?

Mitt Guy: Oh, God, yes.
Who does that remind me of...?

Oh, yeah, now I remember.

The Dish of the Day:
[Via Geek With a .45]


Sean said...

Romneys' campaign should exhibit the flag of Spain. They ran when Al-Queda attacked, first time. Campaign slogan should be,"How many pussies does it take to elect one pussy?"

Anonymous said...

Gotta give credit to the little bo-sheep that admits he would rather be killed than fight back. It's his right to be a coward. Hopefully, any woman who dates this guy will understand that he would rather stand by and watch her and her progeny be raped and murdered than to intercede on her, or his own, behalf. Then she can run to marry a real man.

But listen, Mr. Pantywetter, some of us believe that we have the right and the duty to protect ourselves and our famlies.

So please do us all a favor, and post your property as a "gun-free zone." That way you can possibly save the life of some criminal pervert, hell-bent on murder and mayhem.

Just think - if it saves only one life...