Friday, November 16, 2007

Another Red's Twofer

Ryan Horsley calls our attention to two more BATFU outrages:

Thugette Threatens to Close Down Businesses Unless They Obey Her: "You vill provide trigger locks!"

Mad Max Mike: The guy's bad news. You've contacted your senators to block his confirmation, right? Why the hell not?


David Neylon said...

Yes, I've written Senators McCain and Kyl of Arizona requesting that they oppose Sullivan's confirmation.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can finally get my two idiot Senators from California to do something good for a change.

I'd LOVE to sink his confirmation.

Stephen said...

Yes I did.

Anonymous said...

Done, if belatedly!

I can't shake the feeling, though, that the more we write them, the more Feinstein and Boxer salivate over the chance to rub Sullivan in our faces.