Friday, November 30, 2007

Sweet Homegrown Terrorist Alabama

Anti-government groups usually believe:
Gun Control = Enslavement
Constitution has been subverted
The U.S. has lost its sovereignty

And your point would be...?

Garrett has more on "Homegrown Terrorists"...

Nice to know the people of the state of Alabama are paying for this...I tried taking their quiz and when I completed it got a "data retrieval failure" notice--there's government in action for ya.

Maybe what we need to do is come up with one of those quizzes of our own on this--where you get the code for a graphic you can put on your website that shows what level you came in at...


chris horton said...

hey,I took the quiz and also got the same reply.Most importantly though,it IS good to remember the type of soda someone's drinking! YUCK!!

Anonymous said...

The thing that struck me in addition to the comment:

"Anti-government groups usually believe:

-Gun Control = Enslavement
-Constitution has been subverted
-The U.S. has lost its sovereignty "

When I ponder this statement I wonder:

A)How can someone contest those statements?

B)How could someone opposed to gun control, a staunch defender of the Constitution, and in favor of national sovereignty be considered "ANTI-government"?!



At least it is the government with which we started.

Finally, since when is the Gadsden flag considered a sign of terrorists rather than patriots?

Hell, I've got that flag flying outside my house right under the Stars and Stripes!

"Department of homeland security", Bah!

Anonymous said...

I like the threat level graphic, need to put it on a t-shirt....

Kent McManigal said...

I'll not fly "stars and stripes" again until it is no longer a symbol of the terroristic US federal government. Until then, I fly either the Gadsden or the "Time's Up" flag.

chris horton said...

Libertyplease,I'm trying to contact a friend to see if he'd be interested in doing some of those t-shirts for anyone interested.That'd be cool!!...

Anonymous said...

Since this has surfaced again I'll mention my shirt design again...


Anonymous said...

Hey John, that's a great shirt, thanks for pointing it out. I'd like something more ambiguous and threatening though.... once you have someone's attention you can explain.

Chris, please let me know if you get a t-shirt worked up.

Kent McManigal said...

Maybe John could add my "Time's Up" design to his shirts to make them more ambiguous and threatening.