A text message alerted Wittenberg University students about an armed suspect on campus late Tuesday night.
Wittenberg Police Chief Carl Loney said one or two airsoft guns were recovered. The guns shoot soft projectiles and are considered a weapon banned from campus. The campus has a "zero-tolerance" policy on all weapons, Loney said.
Yeah, but that applies to "firearms [and] dangerous weapons", Chief. Unless you have a different policy not readily accessible to the general public, it's tough seeing how anyone would know soft projectile guns meet that definition, because the policy I'm reading doesn't say a word about them.
Maybe they were just taking The Airsoft Challenge? You know, proving how moronic and useless your stupid, evil anti-human disarmament policy really is?
By the way--from the time the initial report was made until your "Only Ones" who can be trusted with weapons showed up, how much damage could a maniac with a "bullet hose weapon of war designed only to kill" have done? And if he'd been inside a building silencing lambs, why should we believe your bravos would have done anything besides stake out behind cars, buildings and trees, especially considering that your own active shooter protocol relies on the Springfield PD for all tactical responses...?
You must read what to do if the shooter enters the room you are in.
I think they left out, "Please don't hurt the shooter."
I'll bet their skirts get all blown up too, if someone like David Horowitz comes there to speak. If this country were invaded by the French, the students and faculty would line the streets waving olive branches. None too suprising, the words Coward and Traitor are often on my mind.
Airsoft "guns" are TOYS.
This reminds me of the case of the PA kid who had an "arsenal" consisting of a bunch of toys and one or two (depending on the article I read) real guns. Who knew that toys would be as scary to tyrants as real weapons? The Bergermeister from that Santa Claus cartoon would be proud of his "intellectual" decendants. "There'll be no more toy makers for the king..."
Jack Rumbaugh from Suarez International ran some VT-type active shooter Airsoft drills at Warrior's Forge in Manassas, VA. Scenarios included armed teacher only, armed teacher and some students, and unarmed active resistance. IN NO CASE DID THE SHOOTER MAKE IT OUT OF THE FIRST CLASSROOM. Even unarmed active defense was successful, with "nonlethal" hits on only a few defenders.
It goes beyond whether effective defensive weapons are available or not. The will to fight for your life no matter what has to be there first.
That is extraordinarily valuable information. Can you cite a source? I'd very much like to read up on that report.
I just emailed Suarez and asked if they either had a write-up I can link to or would make a comment I can share.
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