Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We're the Only Ones Making False Arrests Enough

Prosecutors have dropped the case against a TV reporter who was arrested carrying a loaded gun near a high school while working on a story on school violence, authorities said Tuesday...

Weinsier had been charged with armed trespass on school property, possession of a weapon, violation of carrying a concealed weapon and resisting arrest without violence. But he was not on school grounds when police approached him and ordered him to leave, Gerson said.
It's nice that he's considering civil legal action, but my question is why the officers involved (what were their names again?) haven't been arrested for kidnapping, false imprisonment, assault, battery...

Actually, there is something kind of transfixing about watching "Authorized Journalists" and "Only Ones" collide...


chris horton said...

Good for him.I saw the video and was quite angry of the way the cop(s) refused to reply to his question.I hope he hangs em' all.AND he had a weapon on his person,legally.double-good for him.

Anonymous said...

Do you think just maybe the cops have lost one mindless supporter? Perhaps he will view the cops with a critical eye necessary to an effective and honest journalist, rather than the free pass most of them give.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope so. If that should happen, I wouldn't be surprised to see the cops deny access to and possibly supply harrassment of the reporter's employer and its employees.

Wouldn't that be nice? To see the cops recruiting (though unintentionally) for our side, the law abiding side, rather than the law abridging side.

Sean said...

He was let go for the same reason sharks won't eat lawyers. Professional courtesy.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think Sean is closest to the truth of the matter. While the reporter was inconvenienced, I suspect that the rest of us would still be fighting this through the courts.