Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Early Release

California State Senator, Don Perata, is quoted as saying, "We are jammed up with this situation right now because we have fallen in love with one of the most undocumented beliefs: That somehow you get safer if you put more people in jail."

This is interesting since Perata is one of the leading gun banners in the state. Apparently he wants to let criminals roam free while simultaneously disarming law abiding citizens. It is worth noting that Senator Perata has a coveted CCW license which he claims he needs for self protection.

That is interesting, because the wretched Perata would have no problem putting a gun owner who defied his evil citizen disarmament edicts in the slammer, and was not above suggesting the Golden State apply ideological cleansing to rid itself of an Olympic shooting team.

Perata, incidentally, was the subject of one of our first GunTruths posters-- now residing as a ghost in the Internet archives.

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