Thursday, December 27, 2007

Full Page Paul Ad in NYT

This ad was written and paid for by Lawrence W. Lepard, who did the same thing with USA Today. I encourage you to read the entire thing, and then to reflect on the enthusiasm and positive reasons so many Liberty-minded Americans have for supporting Ron Paul's candidacy.

I'll be getting onto some of the negative reasons some are spreading lies about this candidate in the coming days.

[Via Jeffrey H]


Anonymous said...

I can give you a definite reason why Paul will not get the nomination. All else aside, Paul tends towards isolationism and being dovish and wants to downsize the military and bring most all military forces home from EVERYWHERE outside the US. There's no way that will get him a Republican nomination.

He's Libertarian, he believes in downsizing government, he wants to reduce taxes, and he wants to shrink the US military and US military involvements.

Sorry, but those are all deal breakers on him ever getting nominated no matter how many supporters he has and how much money he has in the campaign chest.

I'm not passing judgement in either direction on these views, just pointing out what should be obvious.

David Codrea said...

Thomas, I actually agree with you--I don't think he will get the Republican nomination either--for reasons you cited, plus the outright hatred and ridicule those without such arguments bring forth. That said, I note he has not ruled out a 3rd party run, which could give those dissing him now an interesting choice--stay with Rudy or Mitt, who you know are unacceptable to gun owners, Constitutional conservatives and libertarians, and ensure a Hillary win...? By the same token,anti-war dems have no place to turn.

I'm not predicting outcomes here (actually, in the interest of full disclosure, I have a $100 bet I'd love to lose that says Hillary will be the next POTUS), but when you figure Perot got almost 20% and he really didn't so much stand for anything as against some things, I could see RP making things real interesting in a 3-way race where people are distrustful of the status quo...

Ken said...

The alternative posed -- "staying with Rudy or Mitt" is something of a straw man, albeit understandable at the moment. Of course, I would say that, having gone in the tank for Fred Thompson some time ago. ;-)

However, Paul would be my next choice among the other Republican candidates, disagree with him though I do on foreign policy.

David Codrea said...

Oldsmoblogger--Thompson had a chance to generate great buzz and basically lazed it away. If he emerges and Paul does not run 3rd party, I will support him. And I even got into a bit of trouble the other day trying to be fair and give Fred equal time only to find out I'd fallen for a hoax.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why people are so critical of Dr. Paul's foreign policy, as it is consistent with his domestic policy. Outside of protecting American liberties, what do you want?

David Codrea said...

Near as I can tell, LP, they seem to think Middle Eastern terrorists have wmd delivery systems that aren't dependent on the open borders given to us by the current administration they place so much foreign policy faith in...

Anonymous said...

I agree David, but that just makes the protests doubly confusing. Fear of armed Middle Easterners as justification for preemptive war will cause more Middle Easterners to use their arms. And the open borders? Makes it easier.

Lets cause more terrorism though, we'll just continue to amp up the witch hunts at home in response.....

I had a really shady neighbor until recently. If I follow the same logic I will preemptively invade his house, guns blazing and set up camp. Then to keep him from hurting my family, the front door will remain open after all, I will harrass my wife and children, spy on them, and build secret detainment centers for them. After all, anything to keep us secure.

Ron Paul says something like "just don't invade the house with guns blazing" and everyone says he's crazy.

Anonymous said...

"...they seem to think Middle Eastern terrorists have wmd delivery systems that aren't dependent on the open borders given to us by the current administration they place so much foreign policy faith in..."

That's because the goalposts keep moving. It's all a bunch of red-team-versus-blue-team crap. Political parties accumulate power for this purpose: to split the air with a sharp crack of emotion and send the flock on a stampede against over their foes. Who cares which direction the stampede is headed, we're winning, right? (Sarcasm)

FreedomJoyAdventure said...

Thanks for posting the ad, I put it on my blog as well.

Ron Paul has been my Congressional hero since I first found out about him in 1984. His record of upholding and defending the Constitution is unmatched by any other politician I know of.

People keep calling him an 'isolationist', but isn't accurate.

Love him or leave him, he's the only candidate with the stones to talk about eliminating the Income Tax, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve. Some of the other candidates have tried to parrot his stand on the Constitution. He has inspired Americans like no otrher candidate I can remember. Check out The Case For Ron Paul:

BTW, He gets the highest rating possible from Gun Owners of America: