Sunday, December 23, 2007

How About a Waiting Period Before Printing Gun Articles?

Michael Z. Williamson takes a wayward attorney to task.


Anonymous said...


Note that there is a 4,000 character limit on replies, so plan accordingly. I did two parts, but it requires either a different name, IP or chucking a session cookie, or your first post will be overwritten.

Anonymous said...

This was my reply, #139:

Mr. Hammerle clearly overestimates his own cleverness. His use of misnomers ("automatic" and "assault rifles") to steer the argument merely introduces a Red Herring. I challenge any reader here to find an illegal use of a NFA registered machinegun in the last 60 years (I know of only one). Saying that somehow gun rights advocates are racist in principle ignores the history of gun control in this country and abroad (which has indeed been racist in principle). Saying that the NRA wants everyone (even the deranged) to have access to any weapons is a libelous ad hominem. Commenting on the amount of time he has spent "in the criminal justice system" is an appeal to false authority.

Basically, this man strung together the same tired, old, fallacious sound bites we've been hearing for years, and hoped to dupe a few halfwits into agreement. No attorney should have such a poor understanding of logic, nor of constitutional law, and this one should be ashamed.

Now, as for the shooting victim in this case - did you know that in most major US cities about 90% of shooters and almost 80% of shooting victims are felons? Most shootings in the US are criminals engaged in criminal acitivity being shot by other criminals. Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmm ..."
