Monday, December 17, 2007

We're the Only Ones Troubled and Immature Enough

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"We've got the right to take somebody's life and we need these people on their toes," said Nancy Hove, who's sheriff in Pierce County, just across the St. Croix River from Minnesota. "I don't need someone out there who's not functioning on all cylinders, so to speak."
Starting with you, Nancy?

Where do you get off asserting a right to take life? Can you show that enumerated delegated power, and identify who has the authority to bestow it upon you?

This is more than just misspeaking--this demonstrates a monstrous authoritarian arrogance that must not be condoned. And if this is coming from the sheriff, what attitude is being conveyed to the rank and file?

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]


Anonymous said...

Thanks for bringing this statement to light. The sheriff's comment is one of the most horrific statements I have ever heard a public servant make. I wonder if there is recall in Wisconsin? That sheriff needs to be yanked from office. The people should not tolerate such an absurd attitude from a PUBLIC SERVANT.

Dr Kyle Litz

Kent McManigal said...

Government, and its mindless enforcers, have absolutely zero rights to do anything "in the course of business". They are granted authority to act within the laws beginning with the Constitution which trumps all the rest. If this sheriff doesn't understand this simple fact, there needs to be some educating going on.

me said...

That's pretty funny since Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty for folks who have gone through a TRIAL and been CONVICTED.

Anonymous said...

Oooohhh license to kill! Just like 007!

chris horton said...

She states in the article they already have "limited" acceptance testing. She must be the administer of it, how else would someone with her "mental"ity pass, let alone become Sheriff?