Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're the Only Ones Giving Ourselves a Little Bonus Enough?

A former Hamburg police officer, who once was accused of threatening to shoot a customer in a West Reading diner, has been charged with stealing more than $3,000 seized in drug investigations in the Dauphin County community where he is now police chief.
That's OK, chief. I note the date on this story is January 16. We're having a special.

Just show the judge your "Only Ones" badge and ID.

[Via KABA Newslinks]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sort of makes you wonder where was the swat team? They knew for a fact this man was armed and had a history of threatened violence.

Hell, they didn't stick guns in his kids faces before planting them in the carpet. What kind of cops are they?

They're letting down the side, don't you think?