Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Source

The real trade here is guns for little more than a state-determined temporary extension of our lives on our knees — and the lives of our children and their descendents on their knees as well. Despite how repugnant, how low such a choice is, there is apparently no shortage of people willing to make it.

If you do nothing else today, go read this essay. And share it far and wide.

Good stuff. As dark as things may appear, there also seems to be a growing demand for real Liberty. That's gotta be an unsettling proposition for some.

We're living in an exciting time, with unknown potential.

It truly is up to us.

[Via Plug Nickel Times via End the War on Freedom]


Anonymous said...

"There is no more useful death than
in the act of killing tyrants."

Anonymous said...

The man has correctly stated the proposition.

The reaoning of the essay is flawless. Which is why anytime anyone asks me, "Is this the hill you are willing to die on?"

I always answer, "Yes, but more importantly, it is also the hill I am willing to kill on."

Anonymous said...

I concur with the comments above.

When someone says to me: "from your cold dead hands, huh?", I tell them that is not correct: they don't have to be cold, just dead. There will be other dead hands in the area.