Monday, March 03, 2008

Where Does John McCain Stand on "Maximum Mike"?

Ryan would like to know, and asks you to help him find out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's the letter I sent to McCain from Texas:

Dear Senator McCain,

What is your plan as a Senator and as a presidential candidate to protect our right to keep and bear arms and reign in a steady stream of abuses by the ATF? I have provided a list of just a few of my concerns.

BATFE Raid on Gun Store Cavalry Arms

BATFE conducted a raid on an Arizona gun store by the name of Cavalry Arms in which the bulk of their inventory, records, bills, and cash registers were seized WITHOUT any charges being filed. These seizures have left this business without the means to pay its bills, pay its employees, generate revenue, or pay its legal bills that are accruing due to the raid - WITHOUT ANY CHARGES BEING FILED. How can any rational human being consider this to be just? We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. These tactics reveal a very different standard is in practice. This is intolerable! What will you do to protect our constitutional rights?

Opposition to Michael Sullivan as Director of BATFE

I am strenuously opposed to Michael Sullivan as Director of BATFE due to numerous issues associated with him.

Allegations of Official Corruption

In an article at "", there are allegations that a retired FBI agent was convicted based on perjured testimony obtained from the coaching of witnesses by Sullivan (as United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts) and his assistants. The testimony was from mob hitmen and murderers, some of whom may have also received reduced sentences for their testimony against the FBI agent. The perjured testimony has now allegedly been admitted as a known lie and that the truth would have completely exonerated the FBI agent. This agent is currently sitting in prison
while at least some of the testifying mob hitmen walk free.

Also, there are Allegations that a former Sullivan prosecutor had hidden out in order to avoid testifying for the retired FBI agent at the agent's trial. Since when have federal prosecutors gone on the lam to avoid testifying in a trial? Attorneys are generally bound by oath to avoid even the *appearance* of impropriety, and given their close association with the legal system, it is a very serious requirement. It is a very serious situation when a federal prosecutor may have gone on the run to avoid giving testimony that might exonerate an innocent person.

If true, these allegations are intolerable! What is your plan to handle these allegations and look into the suitability of Michael Sullivan as a representative of our government?

Abuses by the ATF

There has been an alarming increase in aggressive and possibly illegal and unconstitutional enforcement actions by the ATF against law-abiding firearms dealers. These actions are increasingly resulting in dealers losing their Federal Firearms Licenses and their businesses over trivial infractions like using the letter "Y" on a form instead of the word "yes." The underlying rational for such punitive decisions is clearly unreasonable as the plain meaning of "Y" in answer to a yes/no question is obvious to even the most intellectually challenged person. Additionally, the ATF persistently refuses to publish regulations in the Federal Register that specify the standards under which it operates, thereby violating the most basic tenants of the notice requirement of constitutional due process. Also, the combination of vicious punitive actions for trumped-up or imagined violations and the lack of publicly posted regulations and standards clearly violates the "arbitrary and capricious" legal standard of review for administrative agencies.

These abuses are intolerable! What is your plan to reign in or eliminate the ATF?

Thank you for your time.