Saturday, April 05, 2008

Throwing Weight at Wikipedia

I just got the following email from "Tim":
Wikipedia is widely used by especially younger generations, and the page on the right to keep and bear arms sports the collectivist title, "right to bear arms." There is a comment in the discussion section mentioning that the title is not a neutral point of view (NPOV), but unless a lot of weight is thrown into the ring, the title will maintain its collectivist slant.

I bring this to your attention because Wikipedia is the second Google result for 'keep and bear arms' and also for 'bear arms,' and also because Wikipedia is so commonly, yet improperly, relied upon for reliable information. And, well, I have no audience. If you think it's worth encouraging people to correct this error in Wikipedia, I hope you give it a mention.
I don't have the knowledge or the time to edit their entries, but if someone knows how and is so inclined...


Kent McManigal said...

Everytime I try to correct something on Wikipedia, my correction gets deleted.

AlanDP said...

Trying to correct this article would be a waste of time. There are too many socialist goons who make it their purpose in life to monitor controversial entries and delete any dissenting views as soon as they are posted.