Tuesday, May 06, 2008

This Day in History: May 6

From the safety of his Palace, Lord Dunmore vented his anger in a proclamation against "a certain Patrick Henry, of the County of Hanover, and a Number of his deluded Followers." Issued in Williamsburg on Saturday, May 6, 1775, Dunmore's proclamation called on Virginians to "vindicate the constitutional Authority of Government." Five weeks later, on June 8, Dunmore himself took refuge aboard the warship H.M.S. Fowey anchored off Yorktown. Royal government in Virginia was over.
Isn't it curious how many proclamations and edicts are still issued from the safety of palaces...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proud to be another deluded follower of Mr. Patrick Henry. And may we never recover.

Yes, Lord Dunmore. He had something to do with an ATTEMPT at removing the powder, shot, muskets and swords from the Williamsburg colonial armory known as the Powder Magazine. I believe people were a tad upset.