Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Do We Buy Annette John-Hall's Line?

Vernick's opinion is shared by the 25,000 members of the American Hunters and Shooters Association, a new organization created to bring reason back to the gun issue.

Oh, look. Another ignorant fanatic more interested in ginning hysteria than the truth.

The way she interchanges semiautomatic handguns with AK-47's, it's evident Annette doesn't even know what an "assault weapon" is--and that's just the way Josh likes it. The more she places blind faith in Philadelphia " Only Ones" having these weapons and denying them to We the People, the more she shows her statist bent. Tell it to the guy gang-stomped on the ground the other day, Annette. The way she gets her knickers in a knot over a "body-armor-penetrating weapon" shows she has no clue that virtually any hunting rifle and round will do the same--the semiauto function has nothing to do with that.

And of course, her total ignorance on the inconvenient"roots" issue demonstrates yet another [yawn] in a line of oportunists who, "rather than being a leader in liberty...opted to become just another one of the plantation's overseers."

But that's not what I'd like to focus on. I don't even care about the Idiot Quisling Fudd* who appears noodleheaded enough to believe he'll be eaten last.

Naw, what I homed in on was "25,000 members" for AHSA.

Oh, really. And how do we know?

Apparently because Judas Bob said so? He's the only quoted rep. And we all know his track record means we can believe Judas Bob!

[Via DJK]

* I think I'm going to start using "IQF" as my preferred term for these mudheads.


Anonymous said...

If this line appeared in the Daily Show, or the Colbert Report, it couldn't BE better satire:

"I think it's insane," Nutter said last week. "...There's no legitimate argument by the NRA. They need to get in the real world where the rest of us live and come to grips with these kinds of issues."

Nutter (talk about irony!) stands behind his own private, heavily-armed, paramilitary palace guard and tells ME that I am the one who needs to "get in the real world."

As Glenn Beck says, it's enough to make blood shoot out of your eyes.

Unknown said...

I like the title of the story "Why do we buy the NRAs Line?". You have to admit, it does have merit even if it does come from weak kneed "gun owners".

What I find ironic is that they talk about "body-armor-penetrating weapons/bullets" and yet won't let kids wear body armor to school. That alone proves that they want body counts and don't care about the kids safety. Which we knew because they make schools gun free zones.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though Mr. Vernick has chosen his side. Just another gun owner that supports "reasonable regulations." I am glad he knows that the gun control nuts will never want the handgun he uses for personal protection. I mean, why would they?