Sunday, June 01, 2008

We're the Only Ones Retaliatory Enough

Heather Squires’ blood alcohol content that night was 0.00...She hadn’t had a drop to drink...

[H]er husband, Jason, is a DUI attorney based in Mesa.

A few months before Heather’s arrest, in fact, he helped a client beat the rap for extreme DUI at a jury trial...

The officer who arrested the guy? Bond Gonzalez — the same cop who would arrest Heather Squires.

Tolerating these ceaseless "Only One" abuses is about as senseless as being drunk.

[Via Andre D]


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be kidnapping?
I'm sure the lawyer will sue and the taxpayers will foot the bill. The cop will keep on being a cop for that city. The government parasites could care less because they only need to come up with a new taxing scam to cheat the citizens out of their hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Abduction, extortion, terrorism.

Another pinprick trickle in the face of the dam.